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artistic-scribbles · 9 months ago
my favourite pillow :/
@gay4way @kindapunkyrocky @geewaysgreendayhoodie @charlies-a-ghost
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rynris · 1 year ago
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Happy Anniversary FFXV!
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thisisrosetastic · 3 months ago
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End my suffering when it's new year 🙃
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crownedinmarigolds · 3 months ago
Fucking nooo I feel a sore throat and exhaustion over me no please I don't wanna be sick I've been SO good at that. T_T
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cassiusj · 10 months ago
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la frase la habĂ­a escuchado antes, no con el chocolate blanco pero con otras cosas que a la gente le gustan. a pesar de que ella muestra una sonrisa, le hace cuestionarse si habĂ­a sido demasiado serio para algo sin importancia. " ÂżtĂș? no necesitas chocolate blanco para eso, lo que serĂ­a bueno para mi corazĂłn, es que tĂș y yo... lo hiciĂ©ramos bien en la misiĂłn. " iba a decir que ganaran, pero era mucha ambiciĂłn y ponerle peso encima a la contraria. " bien, pero sĂ­ estaba dispuesto a probarlo. hay algunos que no saben tan mal. " como el hershey de galleta, podĂ­a comerlo si se lo ofrecen, pero le empalagan. " no, a ninguno. menos a un perro casero. la cosa es, ÂżdĂłnde lo admitirĂ­an? bimbo es blanco, y con esta lluvia debe estar empapado y cubierto en barro, debe parecer un perro de la calle mĂĄs, y no ves muchos lugares que quieran alojar perros callejeros. Âżcrees que haya algĂșn corazĂłn bondadoso por ahĂ­ que lo dejĂł entrar? a un cafĂ©, una biblioteca de libros de segunda mano, tal vez. "
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retrae su mano con el chocolate para dejarlo sobre la banca, tampoco es algo que le interese comerse de momento a ella. "solo fui– yo" encoge sus hombros. "me lo acabo de inventar" sonrĂ­e muy suavemente. realmente no sabe si lo escuchĂł de alguien mĂĄs o si su cerebro decidiĂł soltarlo solo por tener algo que decir, lo cierto es que no importaba. vuelve a alzar su hombros. "no lo he probado" admite. "te contarĂ© luego" concluye el tema con un suspiro. "mmm
 tal vez bimbo estĂĄ en un sitio cerrado Âżno? creo que a ningĂșn perrito le gusta mojarse" desvĂ­a su atenciĂłn a lo que es importante, la misiĂłn que no tiene ganas de llevar a cabo pero hace un esfuerzo sobrenatural solo porque se trata de su compañero.
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strawberry-roro · 5 months ago
it feels so obvious bc its his most popular original song but id never really considered clingy yuuma and its rly grown on me. his flat tone of voice and autistic stare may lead u to believe he is nonchalant. like hes a soldier on the frontlines of the idgaf war. but ohoho....... au contraire.. he gives af. like a LOT. like to the point of worrying hes overbearing and he flatly whines a little even. but only a little
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luxiiien · 1 year ago
kinda want to change my name but i have no clue how to go about it
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ourladyoftheflytrap · 1 month ago
2 out of 3 pages of this bullshit paper written hallelujah
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birinboom · 2 years ago
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New special tcg card
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mercymaker · 1 year ago
🩊. respectfully.
How Intimidating Am I?
Naurrrrrrr, Moji!! It's only my face, I swear, it looks mean sdfdsf
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(this is what i look like irl)
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carrinth · 2 years ago
Carrinth's Justified Impressions of DA: Awakening (4/?)
The Actual Corpse Justice
*definitely spoilers*
The following is an incredibly rare excerpt from what remains of the last diary of Warden-Commander Marzel Amell. Preserved in starch.
... got an angry elf lady. Reminds me of Morrigan. I miss her so much I cry myself to sleep. Not as much as I miss my dog of course but like, loads more than say Alistair.
The stress is totally getting to me. I need something harder than elfroot but Oghren drank everything. Anyway, Varel is sending me somewhere called Blackmush or whatever. Maybe I can find someone to hook me up y'know? Hint hint.
The diary goes on to meander for 10 pages...
Holy Maker you guys. I found a guy. He's quite dead. Did he find some Good Stuff maybe? Anyways, I am Looking Respectfully. 👀
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"No. No you aren't," the bushes say.
"Holy Maker!" I say back.
"Darkspawn!" Nathaniel says.
"Don't be silly," I tell him. "Twas but the bushes."
"Bushes don't talk, Commander,"
I roll my eyes at him. He hasn't SEEN the things I've seen. And I have SEEN THINGS.
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The bushes suddenly grow darkspawn. Like fruits. Yikes!
"I am the First," Some Guy says. I glare. Because I'm on to him. He's calling first dibs. Well this is MY corpse dammit! Imma fight you for it!
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Some Guy gives us the Heebie Jeebies. He starts talking about his mom and it's super awkward and we all cringe.
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Kids, don't take free gifts from strangers. Especially if it's green.
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Some Asshole Guy has ditched us in the Fade. NO. Maker NO not another Fade trip! I swear if I have to turn into a mouse again...
Wait. We found something. Someone?
đŸŽ”đŸŽ”*Oh Who Is She...?* đŸŽ”
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Interesting guy. I wonder if I can set him up with my cousin, Hawke. I mean he has no physical body but still... Anyway, Bro is leading some kind of party crashers into some lady's house? I think there will be booze? I really need a drink. I help Glowy Man. For the free booze.
What happened last night? Dude where's my staff?
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HOLY FLAMING MAKER'S BOWLS. Granny Wynne was right! You can party too hard that it would literally wake the dead!!!
"Who are you talking to?" Nathaniel interrupts. I ignore him because I have no witty comeback and my pride is easily bruised.
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Corpse Justice asked us to help with Baroness Lady. I hope there's booze.
There was no booze. I think she drank some Bad Stuff and is now experiencing explosive diarrhea. This is why we boil our water before drinking it, kids.
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One of the first (and only) lessons I taught in the Circle was to say "No" to demonic possessions. Kids, this is your brain when possessed.
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Demon was slain and there was some rejoicing. I pumped my fist but everyone just looked at me, tired. I lowered my arm awkwardly. Corpse Justice guy decided to join us because obviously we are the most amazing people he will ever meet. Team is finally complete. Group photo time!
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P.S. CJ said I "seem to be a creature of good character" and honestly it's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
P.S.S. We are BFF now.
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merakiui · 4 months ago
here’s some ace thoughts since i just saw your recent event ace posts. crowley wouldn’t let you stay at ramshackle over summer. so you tell grim to find someone to stay with since you can’t guarantee a job for yourself and although you’re fine with sleeping in the street you don’t want grim to. he probably goes all sad to deuce who tells their entire dorm but before anyone can make a plan ace just walks off. he find finds you and tells you you’re staying with him.
“but ace, did you even ask your parents?”
“it’ll be fine.”
“what if they already have a long term guest you don’t know about sleeping in the couch? you can’t just bring me in without asking!”
“the couch? i’m not stingy like you, we’re sharing my bed.”
“thank you but i insist im okay.”
“———, i’ll always take care of you.”
Omg yes!! You and Grim staying with Ace and his family for the summer!!!! The way Ace's older brother would poke fun at him for his (very obvious) crush on you. >:D and Ace just insists it's "not like that." No way he's crushing on you! He scoffs at the idea, but his cheeks are red and he's starting to stumble over his words.....
Ace who takes you to all the best places in his hometown, certain you'll enjoy them. Maybe you even meet up with Deuce somewhere! Summertime romance with Ace.... there was no shame in sharing a room and even a bed or fighting over who gets to use the sink to do their morning routine first. You're best friends, so everything is perfectly fine and platonic! ...or is it? >:)
That movie moment where you turn around and ask if he's coming while he's stopped to tie his shoe or something, and he just looks at you in a completely different light then because the feelings and vibe have been shifting ever since school let out for the summer and wow. Have you always looked so nice when the sun is framing you perfectly and has your smile always been so bright? AAAA what is he thinking!!!!!
And Grim can tell something's up with Ace. He keeps looking between the two of you, always wondering... sometimes it's a relief Grim's there because he makes for the perfect scapegoat when Ace wants to take you somewhere but doesn't want it to seem like he's asking you on a date. BECAUSE HE'S NOT!!! This is for you and Grim!! Don't get it twisted!!! Of course he completely understands why you might want to go out with "yours truly" (you roll your eyes at that), but it's just a simple hang-out. It's also not a relief because sometimes Grim just makes the awkward tension even worse and he doesn't even mean to do so. T_T
Or when Ace's older brother shares all kinds of embarrassing stories about Ace or when his parents leaf through photo albums, and Ace is begging them to stop because noooo all of his aura and swag are gone the minute you hear about that one time he tripped over his laces or that day he fell for his older brother's dumb pranks or that one awkward photo of him from middle school... he has a reputation to uphold as a cool guy (in front of you) and this is so not helping!!!!
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wooynseok · 2 months ago
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el enojo sigue presente, pero ahora rostro refleja incredulidad, pensando si es que asĂ­ suele percibirse ante los empleados de los establecimientos que frecuenta. no creĂ­a estar tan encerrado en sĂ­ mismo como para no notar sus contextos, pero en definitiva ahora serĂ­a mĂĄs consciente de sus tratos. ‘ vaya... ’ es todo lo que emite, finalmente soltando bolĂ­grafo que estaba a punto de correr riesgo de ser partido en dos. ‘ te prepararĂ© el smoothie, espera un minuto. sĂ­ puedes esperar, Âżverdad? ’ enfatiza, quedando implĂ­cito el que lo considera un cliente problema.
En el momento en el que otro se enoja, Taeyang, lo queda viendo de manera desafiante, sabiendo que aquĂ­ todos vienen de familias si no bien excĂ©ntricas con un acceso al dinero considerable
 "DiscĂșlpame, los mayordomos en casa tienen los hijos de animalitos, pero si no tienes de eso, quiero mi bebida igual"Se sentĂ­a indignado, que clase de organizaciĂłn no pensaba en el tipo de clientes que mantenĂ­a"En casa el no tener variedad en la comida o en la bebida es un insulto"
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moonspirit · 1 month ago
So we all forget Mikasa’s birthday?😭 It was the 10th😭😭 And falco too😭
I swear I saw mikasa birthday posts going around T_T?? BUT ANYWAY! We can always celebrate again!
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bonknigirlinthehood · 2 years ago
Leisure Time [1]
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Blade x Child!Reader
CW: Reader has Blade’s original hair color (White-ish), the reader’s age was around 5-6 years, and the gender is neutral.
TW: mention of Blade trying to kill you (literally just 5 words).
author's note: I have daddy issues and I'm craving some hsr men as daddies. There will be a part 2 in the future, alongside with a Zhongli-child reader fanfic that someone requested and I kept forgetting to post (I'm sorry t_t). The full picture will be uploaded later!.
Synopsis: Blade just woke up from his sleep after a long day of mission, and found his child sleeping on the edge of the bed. He thought it’ll be fun to kind of annoy you for a bit.
Rain was pouring hard when blade was awake from his slumber. He looks around the dim room, then his body. It's covered with bandages, with some blood seeping through it.
He sighs and sits, running his hand through his hair as he slowly recalls what has happened the past few hours. He got into a fight, got wounded as usual, and then probably passed out. He sighs again, half frustrated, half annoyed until he realizes something was on the edge of his bed.
You were sleeping on the edge of the bed, a bowl of water was placed near your feet with a towel on it. You sleep peacefully, ignoring the fact that your sleeping position was so uncomfortable. 
Blade hesitantly reaches out to you, caressing your hair out of your face. Feeling calloused fingers touching you, you open your sleepy eyes and look at the man, still rubbing your eyes and trying to focus them.
"Daddy?" You ask, half whispering, then sweeping your body closer to him to take a better look. "A-are you okay?Is your head hurt?" Worried, you tried to stand and check on your father, but he grabbed your hand and put you to sit down on the bed. "I'm okay" he sighs, tracing a circle on your smaller hand. 
You nodded, still feeling a bit groggy from waking up. Blade isn't the one to tell you about what happened during his "work", and you tried to respect his privacy by not asking much, yet it's still hard because as his child, you wanted to be useful to him even for a bit.
After a minute of silence, you try to talk again. "Uh
are you hungry?, I-i can get some food for you
Blade doesn't answer. Instead, he was eyeing you from head to toe, as if checking something until suddenly he brought you into a hug. 
You yelp in surprise, feeling his large, bandaged hand covering your entire back.
When he lets go, there's this unknown expression on his face you can't quite decipher, but somehow he looks
. satisfied?.
'Looks like they treat you well enough'. He hums to himself. You tilt your head in confusion, but he just patted your head, making a mess of the hair that you with great effort trying to make it neat this morning.
"Noooo daddy!!It's hard to do my hair!You'll mess it up!" You whine, trying to take his hand off your head. He stops, but his hand remains on your poor disheveled hair, and no matter how hard you try you don't have enough strength to peel your father's hand from your head.
After a few minutes of trying, you give up and just let Blade rests his hand on top of your head. Through strands of your hair, he can see you puffing your cheeks and pout. He chuckles softly, and while you were surprised at the sound, you can't see it with your own eyes since he is still holding you down.
After feeling content for teasing you, he finally lifts his hand off your head and watches whilst you try to fix your hair. No matter how much he hates that hair color of his, he really can't blame you for being born with it. And the fact you look exactly like him in many aspects is just gut wrenching, it's as if life itself was mocking him.
Blade, now matter how many times has passed, still feels guilty. Whenever he looks at you, something stirred in him wildly–like his stomach being split open and his inside being ravaged. He feels sick to himself whenever he sees you or hears your voice. He feels
. unworthy, after literally the gruesome thing he almost committed towards his own child when you were barely 1 week old.
Blade tried to kill you.
If it weren't for Kafka and other Stellaron Hunters, he probably would feel the worst guilt he would ever feel in his life, and he is actually grateful to them for preventing him from doing so. 
Because amidst all his sorrow, he finds it enjoyable to see you grow up.
Your first crawl, first steps, first tooth, first word
Blade actually has photos and videos of them in his phone. He even had to buy a harddisk to store it because he was running out of space on his phone. When he was out for work, he would watch the video of you from his phone during the break. There's even a video from his other colleagues where they record you and ask to say 'daddy to come back quickly' he hates it when they do that, yet every time he got one of those videos he would save it regardless.
When he got back, most of the time he would be wounded or passed out. And you will always stay with him when he is unconscious, waiting until he wakes up, just like now.
You tried to ask him about his job or his past, but after a few tries, you just stopped asking. Blade feels guilty, but at the same time he thinks it's for the better. It's better if you don't know anything about his past. Thankfully, you don't seem to be too bothered by it, even though sometimes he can see that curious expression on your innocent face.
" you look at him shyly, “A-are you okay?, do you need more ban-bandase-banda..ge..s!” you ended up kind of shouting the last word since you still having a hard time pronouncing things. 
Blade smirked when you tried to babble the word out. It amuses him whenever you try to pronounce a word that is just
complicated for kids. He thought it was cute and he actually has some video recording containing you trying to study pronunciation.
“It’s okay
” He answers, hand back on the side of your head, caressing your cheek and pinching it, causing a yelp from you.
“A-a!, Daddy!It hurts!” Blade retracted his hand, and you touched the reddened cheek with a pout. Your father sighs and picks you up, then kisses the cheek–much to your surprise.
“There, should be better now” 
Your face turned red. Blade was never the one for doing kisses, so his action took you by surprise. You stare at him for a bit while, cheeks a bit flushed. Blade knew you were embarrassed, he actually was too but tried so hard to keep his poker face because it would be even more embarrassing if you see him being flustered.
'Why are you so cute? Your cheeks look like a hot bun. I should take pictures, but it would be too out of character for me to do it in front of the child
Blade was screaming internally right now. He holds you like a cat right now, and the fact you did not give him any resistance just makes him want to clench his chest tightly because of the cuteness.
After a good minute screaming in his inner heart, Blade suddenly brought your body closer to him and hugged you. You wrapped your arms around his neck in surprise, and just when you are about to shoot him a quizzical face, he pats your back softly, making you yelp a little.
He stops when hearing you yelp, but continues to pats you after a few seconds. 
"Da..Daddy?" You called out to him, Blade only answered with a hum. 
'' After answering him with that, you lay your head on his shoulder, enjoying the leisure moment between the Stellaron Hunter and his kid. Who knows how long until Kafka will come to this room and drag him away for another mission.
And before you realize, your eyelids flutter shut, your little mind succumbing to the dream land while being hugged by none other than your father.
"Bladie~, Elio decided to give you some free time. Why don't you bring your little baby out for a walk?. I heard the shopping district in this planet was quite amazing, i would like to go there myself too"
Kafka blows her drink before drinking it. Right now, the three of Stellaron Hunters were having a little meeting in one of the vacant rooms. Blade just got out of his room 5 minutes ago after putting you to sleep to grab some food. 
"I actually wanted to go there too. Heard there was some nice arcade in one of the shops. Have to try it, y'know" Silverwolf added, eyes glued to her phone, trying to beat a stage. 
Blade munched his sandwich in silence. That's right, he hadn't brought his child for a walk for a little while now
since he forbids anyone to take you out for a shopping or walk without him tagging along, it's been quite some time since the last time he brought you out to buy toys.
"Alright" he finishes his sandwich and drink before standing up, walking back to his room. Kafka only chuckles seeing him. 
"Would you look at that, huh
" she hums.
"I can't believe that's the same guy who tried to kill his baby the first time he saw it" Silverwolf huffed, finally relaxing her body after beating the stage. "That baby gotta have some ancient magic or something to be able to turned that monster into a loving father"
"Heheh~, they say a father is always weak to his child, you know?. Maybe that was just the case" Kafka sips her drink again,
"Maybe his little baby can help him change the way his heart went, after all".
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alicelufenia · 2 months ago
At the edge of the world, all debts will be settled, long prices paid
and there will be justice for all.
The night before it all ends, and we get some much needed closure
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Honestly understandable. Kilian's absence from the series was a mild frustration for me, both cause I actually liked her as a character plus I'm shamelessly into redheads. Though given how chronically bad with relationships Catherine is, it makes sense. It takes years from when they broke up to actually get this closure, but even though they've both moved on it's still nice to see.
And just goes to show how obvious Cat is about Akua. A lot of harsh words were exchanged between her and Hakram earlier, but one thing he said that still rings true is when he said that while Cat loves all of the Woe, and him the most, she is only in love with Akua. Painful to hear, but she hasn't once denied it.
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It's hard to say, as it is so (delightfully) painful to watch Cat torture herself like this while totally getting why, and that I'd lose all respect for her if she didn't even wait until journey's end at least, when the debt was due. Luckily Catherine Foundling has never done anything wrong.
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Noooo! Well damn, there goes the failsafe. Hey, it's not like it was hard to predict that wasn't gonna go according to plan. Still, it makes sense why it was so effortlessly easy for Yara to set this up; there's not a story out there where Indrani wouldn't save Akua's life here.
But with a little tender care from Masego's (former) Apprentice and the greatest (living) sorceress of the age, another miracle could occur.
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The immediate benefit I see of the fetters is that they are infinitely simpler than the Autumn crown, making them way less likely to backlash against a villain who would use them. A prisoner and their Warden, I mean warden? We'll see-
Speaking of Indrani's fate, shout-out to all time coward Hye Su
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Let's go Indrani! You'll make a better Ranger than Hye ever did. Way to drop the ball hard Hye, I already didn't like you, but seeing as Indrani already had settled things with you at Praes, it's only fitting that she take your place by bothering to step up for other people. Do you know how hard you have to fuck up to lose me, Hye? Me?? The Evil Woman Fucker???
Pathetic. Anyway,
So it comes down to this: with the Dead King's soul contained within the entire city of Keter itself, it's effectively impossible to kill him even with Severance, and of course with Akua not in a position to have accepted it already, Catherine volunteers to be his jailer.
But the Intercessor, Yara, has other ideas, and lets Cat sample her ability to Guide.
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Once again, Catherine's bad leg comes through to remind her of her own mortality and humanity! This is why I loved the parts of the story where she's had it the most. When she's been the most who she really is. Now get fucked, Intercessor, she will not be tricked into becoming you!
With the Dead King finally dead, brought back to life from undeath and then Sentenced to die, all that's left is how to deal with Yara, who still intends to finish this off how she wants; with everyone or nearly all on Calernia dead, the stories she's been bound to for millennia wiped clean at last.
And then... is that a Black Swan I see?
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Intercessor Akua! A tag team of Good and Evil in the story of fate!
There's your Black Swan Event
So I'll be honest, I had this idea quite before even book 6, that what Akua was ultimately going to do would impact fate permanently. And I knew before I even finished Book 4 that Cat's final name would be the Warden, on account of checking the fan wiki and immediately seeing her Name listed as such, so I backed out lest I see any other pertinent information, like whether she dies at the end or not, and swore off the fan wiki until I was all done. This did make me convinced she was going to get a Bad End as a jailer for eternity. And then Akua calls her out for it and steps up instead!
I HAD thought that her unexpected, unpredicted act, the Black Swan Event in question, would have had to do with her redemption, perhaps ending with a new heroic Name. So I goofed there. She does use this moment to call the Gods' attention at least, which is similar if you turn your head sideways and squint.
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At the end, debts are settled, long prices paid. And there was justice for all. Akua saved Catherine from the unhappy ending the latter was convinced was fated for her, and the knife that started us down this path since chapter 1 will be what finishes the journey.
And then, many years later
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And THAT, is the single most well done, well paced, and well earned Enemies to Lovers story I have ever read. Every painful, ragged inch earned along the way, and while it ends in tragedy, there remained still a way for them to find each other, and for just a little while, partake of what a life together could have been.
Absolutely blew ALL of my expectations away. Holy SHIT
I will be thinking about this one for a long time.
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